Photo: Mary Lou Villanueva

Photo: Mary Lou Villanueva

Jose-Luis Moctezuma

Jose-Luis Moctezuma is a xicano poet, essayist, and researcher. He received a PhD in English from the University of Chicago. His poetry and criticism have been published in Modernity/modernism, Fence, Jacket2, Chicago Review, MAKE Magazine, and elsewhere. His chapbook, Spring Tlaloc Seance, was published by Projective Industries in January 2016. His first full-length book, Place-Discipline, was published by Omnidawn in October 2018. Place-Discipline was selected by Myung Mi Kim as the winner of the 2017 Omnidawn 1st/2nd Poetry Book Prize. His next book of poems will focus on chance operations and the algorithmization of everyday life, a selection of which is forthcoming from Postmodern Culture. Born in San Gabriel, CA, he now lives and teaches in Chicago.

Jose-Luis Moctezuma es un poeta chicano, ensayista e investigador. Doctor en Inglés por la Universidad de Chicago. Su poesía y sus trabajos críticos han sido publicados en Modernity/modernism, Fence, Jacket2, Chicago Review, MAKE Magazine, entre otros. Su plaquette Spring Tlaloc Seance, se publicó en Projective Industries en enero de 2016. Su primer poemario Place-Discipline, fue publicado por Omnidawn en Octubre de 2018. Place-Discipline fue seleccionada por Myung Mi Kim como el ganador del premio Omnidawn 1st/2nd Poetry Book Prize en Octubre de 2018. Su próximo libro de poesía se enfocará en operaciones de azar y la algoritmización de la vida cotidiana, una selección vinculada con la cultura posmoderna. Nacido en San Gabriel, CA, actualmente reside y da clases en Chicago.