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A Reading and Conversation with Jazmina Barrera

Jazmina Barrera_(c) Juan Pablo Ampudia2.png

Photo: Juan Pablo Ampudia

Free/ Gratis

Masks and proof of vaccination or a COVID-19 test are required for entry for this in-person event at the Logan Center. Learn more.

Mascarilla y comprobante de vacunación, o una prueba negativa de Covid-19 es requerida para este evento presencial en el Logan Center. Para saber más, visita aquí.

A Reading and Conversation with Jazmina Barrera

Logan Center for the Arts—Room 801, 915 E 60th St, Chicago, IL

Join us for a reading and conversation with Mexican author, editor, and translator, Jazmina Barrera. Jazmina is the author of the book of essays Cuerpo extraño (Foreign Body) was awarded the Latin American Voices prize from Literal Publishing in 2013 and most recently Cuaderno de faros / On Lighthouses by Jazmina Barrera, translated from the Spanish by Christina MacSweeney (Two Lines Press). She has published her work in various print and digital media, such as Nexos, Este País, Dossier, Vice, El Malpensante, Letras Libres and Tierra Adentro. She has a Master's Degree in Creative Writing in Spanish from New York University, which she completed with the support of a Fulbright grant. She was a grantee of the Young Creators program at FONCA. She is editor and co-founder of Ediciones Antílope. She lives in Mexico City. Hosted by Lina Ferreira Cabeza-Vanegas.

Acompáñanos en la lectura y conversación con la escritora, editora y traductora mexicana Jazmina Barrera. Es autora del libro de ensayos Cuerpo extraño / Foreign Body, el cual ganó el premio Latin American Voices 2013 y se publicó en la editorial Literal Publishing, y recientemente Cuaderno de Faros / On Lighthouses, traducido al inglés por Christina MacSweeney (Two Lines Press). Sus textos han sido publicados en revistas como The Paris Review, Letras libres, Words Without Borders, Malpensante, Electric Literature y Nexos, entre otras. Estudió la maestría en Escritura Creativa en Español en NYU con el apoyo de la beca Fullbright. Fue becaria del FONCA Jóvenes Creadores. Es editora y socia fundadora de Ediciones Antílope. Presentado por Lina Ferreira Cabeza-Vanegas.

Presented in partnership with the UChicago Translation Studies Department.